Angel tattoo trends remain among the most symbolic and spiritual of tattoo designs that exist in the market. Angels are regarded as spiritual in quite a few religions including Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and the term ‘guardian angel’ also refers to a protective entity. The have always been considered as God’s messengers, and indeed it is thought that ‘angel’ is a word that translates in Greek to mean ‘messenger’.
Angel Tattoo Trends
Angel tattoo designs also serve the purpose of paying a tribute to someone’s loved one who passed away. If the person’s face is drawn onto the
angel tattoo designs, then the person wearing the
tattoo would thus be able to keep it in remembrance of them. They may also represent affection and love for a special person, especially is a heart is added on to an
angel tattoo design. In fact, the most popular
tattoo designs today have
angels represented by Cupid, the god of love.