Hoda Fadel is a model and presenter, famous in Lebanon. In 2008, he became a presenter on the show Candy Girl for Rotana Music TV station. Horrendous, he was known as the female party this year where he often danced half-naked.
Yamila Diaz-Rahi is a descendant of Lebanese artist and Spayol. He was born and raised in Argentina, and started his career as a photo model. Until now, these sexy women are often adorned the covers of leading magazines such as Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Glamour, and Elle. Is phenomenal, it 8 times on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine. With long hair, lip chap, and a sexy body, Yamila touted as the most beautiful natural women.
Valerie Dominguez lahir di Suriah, namun hijrah bersama orang tuanya ke Kolombia. Pada tahun 2005, wanita berdarah campuran Suriah dan Lebanon ini meraih Miss Kolumbia dan menjadi wakil negara itu di ajang Miss Universe 2006, di mana ia masuk 10 besar.