I'm down to 88??? Which is way too much. The problem is, even though some of them are old shots, and
technically are not as good as my new ones (in my opinion), I still think they are worth showing off.
Maybe i'm wrong? Maybe my portfolio
needs to be 4x bigger than everyone else' because my work is so much more diverse?? Maybe it's that I am just so fucking indecisive that I just can't make my mind up.... Maybe it's because I still haven't
really discovered my own true style?
Whatever the answer is, like any real man, i've asked a woman to tell me what to do. :-)
So basically my site is up on www.omarshaker.co.uk I would love to know which images are peoples favorites and which ones people don't like so much. but here's the thing..."Apparently" I'm not very good at taking constructive criticism. I think I actually am, when I respect the person who is critiquing my work. I completely love finding out what people like and don't like about my work, but I can't handle being told what i
should or
shouldn't do or being told what i have done is "wrong" by someone who I don't believe could do any better than me. There are a few photographers who i admire massively, one being John Oakley, any advice from someone as talented as him would definitely be taken on board and used to improve my work, (and it has done). Except, on a lot of "Model sites", a lot of photographers will rip the shit out of other togs work, when their own stuff looks like it's been shot on a camera phone while whacking one out. Stuff like that just pisses me off, so i would rather just delete comments of that nature. That's why i NEVER critique anyone's work unless they ask me too, specifically. I don't believe i have the right to.
Maybe I should put the question out there....Do you think you have the right to critique ANYTHING? Even things you can't do yourself?